Home > Cities > El Mirador Peten
El Mirador Peten
According to recent researches, El Mirador emerged approximately in the year 200 B.C. even though it existed since 2000 years B.C. and remained u to the year 900 A.C., approximately. The city was abandoned and reoccupied many times. It is belived that its maximum population reached up to 80,000 people.
According to the size of the city, the archeologists have concluded that a very important group of governors and priests once lived there. It was a great commercial exchange center. The place covers approximately 17 square kilometers. The Complejo Tigre (Tiger Complex) is very important; it covers 58,000 square meters, six times more than the surface area of the Temple IV of the Tikal. This complex occupies the west side of the city. The central building gives to the entire complex the altitude of 18 floors, it measures 55 meters (180 feet) total.
Towards the south of the Complejo Tigre the Complejo Monos (Monkeys Complex) is located, a group of buildings surrounding a 41 meters (134 feet) high Plaza that covers an area of 17,000 square meters. On the eastern side La Acropolis Central (The Central Acropolis) is located with its 300 meters (987 feet) long, and also the Central Plaza. The Complejo Danta (Danta Complex) is located at the east border of the city. Its pyramid is the highest of the Mayan World, and can be distinguished from more than 100 km (62 miles) of distance, from a plane, because it measures 75 meters (247 feet). The expedition to El Mirador can also include a visit to Nakbé, another important city in the zone. It will take a lot of walking but the visitor will have the opportunity of camping and listening to the sound of the jungles`s animals during the night. A experience that seems to be taking out of the dreams of a diehard adventurer, for his pleasure and challenge.
Travel to El Mirador Peten
We offer you a mixture of archeological, adventure tours / Expedition to El Mirador Peten. It is a very demanding trail but a unique once in a lifetime experience:
Map of Peten including El Mirador
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